In My Skin

The project In My Skin originally started as photographing people’s body insecurities we hide from others and ourselves. It stems from my own body insecurity: a horrible accident that I was involved in that caused me to get second-degree burns on the back of both my legs. It’s a hard insecurity that I’m still dealing with to this day, but with this project and the help from others who have graciously agreed to be a part of it, my attitude has changed.

Working on this project made me realize that it wasn’t about highlighting insecurities, it was more about showing the vulnerability of a person and what our bodies can do. This project photographs the distinct differences in people’s bodies, it looks at the things we may not like about ourselves and asks us to reconsider these harsh judgments. The project also compares the differences in people’s bodies to show how they are all different and unique from one another. And by doing so, the photographs invite the participates and the viewers to embrace their bodies, to feel freer, and reject the negative. Ultimately, these photographs are showing the viewers that these things are what makes us who we are.